The Kitchen

The Kitchen

In honor of my parents' 60th anniversary this past year I will be using a color theme from the last remaining platter from an early set of dishes that they had when they first got married in 1954. The dishes were charcoal and pink. I found a matching platter on Ebay several years ago and I will be displaying both platters in the kitchen. I plan on painting the wall a color called Dorian Gray and will be doing pink accents throughout the kitchen for that mid-50's feel. The lady at Sherwin-Williams said that Dorian Gray was a very popular color recently so I get my 1950s vibe and still stay current.

Kitchen Cabinet

For Christmas my parents purchased the supplies to build a cabinet that I want. Plus built it for me.I will put it next to my stove to create some counter space in my space starved kitchen. It also has a shelf to hold the microwave which frees up some other much needed counter space. 
The cabinet is now assembled and useable. We will be adding trim and paint and we will be finished. 
I made dinner tonight and it was so much easier with counter space next to the stove!

Be sure to check out the Grand Plan

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