Thursday, December 25, 2014

I started planning a few weeks ago for the bookshelf for my Hollywood Regency meets Modern Design office for the new apartment.
I purchased a package of 4 Tim Holtz box corners from JoAnn's papercrafting aisle. They were bronze colored but I planned to spray paint them chrome. Before leaving the store I picked up several yards of a confetti dot fabric - a knit fabric with small reflective dots. In my case I went with silver.  Next I purchased two inexpensive bookshelf units from Walmart and all there was left to do was to put it all together.
I built the bookcase as described in the directions (actually correct instructions came with this unit - surprise!)
Before attaching the back cardboard that stabilizes the shelf unit I used my staple gun to attach the confetti dot fabric and stretched it across the open backside of the bookcase. I then trimmed it with a rotary cutter. This will probably cost me a new blade but it seemed the best option.
Glitzy bookcase with Christmas
presents for Mom & Dad.

Better get going
the ham dinners will get cold
if I don't get over there soon.
God Bless Us, Everyone!
After nailing in the back panels of the bookcase I stood it upright and screwed two of the box corners onto the cabinet top.
The cost for this project: Bookcase Units $27.00 each, 1 4-pack of corners ($5.00) and 5 yards of fabric ($12.00) bringing the project total to $71.00 or $35.50 per case. Well, time to go put together the second one.

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