Saturday, April 18, 2015

Herb Garden

Here is my new Herb Garden
Stairway to Culinary Delights

Here is my first project of the Spring! 

I started with a couple treated stair stringers, like you would use for a deck staircase, added some 1x4s that were left over from making the microwave cart and a piece of sturdy lattice. Once everything is complete I will plant herbs on the steps and pole beans or cucumbers or some other vining veggie in the ground next to the lattice work.
After assembly I painted the unit with outdoor paint and put four 2' wide planter boxes. These boxes did not have any holes in the bottom and I wanted good drainage since most of the herbs I will be growing need to be a bit on the dry side. (Rosemary, Thyme, etc.)  Parsley and sage may come later. I drilled several holes in the bottom of the plant boxes and also into the 1x4 "steps" so that water doesn't build up between the plastic boxes and the steps. I plan on stealing several cobblestones from my father's back yard to lift the unit off the grass or concrete so that water doesn't puddle around the wood basses.

 I even added a small gnome garden. My sister gave me this small garbage can several years ago and I am finally finding a great use for it. I drilled holes in the bottom of the can for drainage. I think the Dusty Miller and the Allysum look great in the miniature garden.

In the back yard I have some bulbs that I planted last year - the Daffodils and Hyacinths are doing well.

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